Six Downtown Portsmouth Development Projects: Where Are They Now?
November 1, 2022
Six Downtown Portsmouth Development Projects: Where Are They Now?
By Katherine Gemmecke, Associate
As we gear up for the release of our 2023 Market Outlook, we thought it would be interesting to take a deeper look at several downtown Portsmouth development projects. Some of these projects have been in the works since as early as 2018, while others are newly underway. We have provided a snapshot of each project and where they are now in the development process. For more information, please refer to the links to local press coverage included in this article.
203 Maplewood Avenue & 1 Raynes Avenue This proposed development consists of a five-story, 124-room hotel, and a four-story, mixed-use building with ground-level commercial spaces and 32 apartments. This proposed development, which began in late 2020, is still in the planning stage. The site plan has been approved, but the developer is currently seeking permits for a conditional use permit and a wetland conditional use permit. The project, however, did not receive approval from the latest meeting with the Historic District Commission meeting. The Commission voted to continue with a public hearing in the upcoming October meeting. Source
53 Green Street In mid-2021, this five-story mixed-use development featuring 48 residential units on the top four floors and commercial on the ground level, received Planning Board approval. Although initially well received, the project has met opposition from local residents, who contend that the Planning Board inappropriately granted approval of the site plan and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) pertaining to the wetland buffer. Source
Deer Street/Russel Street: This is a proposed three building development which is set to contain 72 condos, commercial space, 44 market rate apartments, and planned parking to accommodate the development. Located in the current Sheraton Hotel parking lot, this development should receive all approvals by the first quarter of 2023. It has received approval from the Historic District Commission and awaits Planning Board approval. It’s likely the project will be developed in stages, although demand could dictate otherwise. Source
161 Deer Street 161 Deer Street is a proposed mixed-use development with first floor commercial space and 19 apartments spread between three floors with a top floor penthouse. The development’s design was inspired by the North End’s long history relating to the railroad. In July of this year, the developer received approval from the Historic District Commission and now awaits site plan approval from the Planning Board. Source
62 Daniel Street This project, more notability known as the McIntyre building, is being proposed to contain commercial, retail, residential and public space. This project has been mired in controversy and litigation since 2018, regarding the disparity between the initial development design, and The Community Plan, which includes the public’s input. The developers sued the City and recently received a $2 million settlement for expenses incurred on the redevelopment plan. However, this project appears to be back on track, with the developers and the City working in collaboration on the final design. The City recently commented that they would anticipate achieving 50% design by the middle of October. The City has a deadline of the end of this year to complete a series of applications and obtain approvals for the redevelopment and financial agreement with the developers. Source
105 Bartlett Street 105 Bartlett Street is currently home to Great Rhythm Brewing, which will relocate to accommodate this approved 152-unit apartment development along North Mill Pond. The development is planned to include a one-half acre public park accompanied by a three-quarter mile long trail and greenway that would connect to downtown Portsmouth.The Planning Board approved the development in April of 2021, but the project has been challenged by residents based on zoning and wetland concerns. Source
These development projects will continue to transform the landscape of downtown Portsmouth. They will also continue to invoke strong emotional responses from its citizens. Because of their significance, we will continue to monitor each and will report back in our 2023 Market Outlook, which is scheduled to be released in January.
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