Episode 55: Kathryn Sargent, Executive Director of the Locker Project, on the need in Maine to provide food to children and families who are food insecure

Ben Moore  /   August 27, 2024

Episode 55: Kathryn Sargent, Executive Director of the Locker Project, on the need in Maine to provide food to children and families who are food insecure

On this episode of The Boulos Beat, guest host Cameron Foster sits down with  Kathryn Sargent, Executive Director of the Locker Project to discuss her journey from Massachusetts to Maine, her education at Bowdoin and UVA, and her transition to the Locker Project.

Founded in Portland in 2014, the Locker Project relies on foundation grants and contributions from local businesses and community members to provide food-insecure children and families with reliable access to nourishing food. Unlike school meal programs, the Locker Project provides fresh produce and meal items for the whole family. Unlike traditional food pantries, the Locker Project partners with schools and other local agencies to make food available at dozens of locations. In 2024, program partners will facilitate distribution of more than 600,000 pounds of nutritious food in Greater Portland and beyond. Community members interested in supporting this work can find more information or make a donation at www.mainelockerproject.org.

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